Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 3 Places To Go

The top 3 places I would want to go to would be Germany, Rome, and Brazil. I have chosen these spots for there amount of history and landscape/ architecture, which I find very interesting and love to learn about and see.
I chose Germany because I am fascinated with world war 1 and 2 and i think it would be awsome to go and see some of the memorials and battle grounds of that time. Another reason I have chosen Germany is for its architecture, they have some of the not only the newest and most unique but oldest architecture in the world. Oh and of course I wouldn't mind driving on the autobon in a nice ferrari or porsche going 200 km an hour.
My second choice Rome was chosen for the amount of history in the land. A whole nother civilization was there thousands of years before us. One of the places I most want to visit there is the Collusium. It is so old and was such a marvel of the time, and thousands of men were killed there and it just kinda makes you wonder if we'll ever resort to that again for entertainment. Another place in Rome I'd love to go would be Vatican City and see how strong faith and the church is over there.
Now for my third and final choice of Brazil. I chose Brazil for a change of pase, i want to see the tropics and the rainforest, while also seeing ancient ruins of the area. While in Brazil i would go to Rio and see how people live down there and see what i consider one of the most amazing landscapes in the world. I would love to take tours of the forests and see animals ive never seen before, or go to ruins and see how intricut and tedious the detail and building of the ruin would be.
So I've told you the top 3 places I would go if I got the Chance. Yet there are still many more places i would love to go, because i love traveling and seeing new things, But i wont bore you with all of those. Im just gonna say if you get the chance to travel take advantage of it, cause things like that don't always come along.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Super Powers

Although there are many super powers one wishes to have, The question is always posed. If you could have one super power, what would it be. Well for me it would have to be the ability to control matter. I know its a little different but i hope these follow up paragraphs will explain why this is such an awsome choice.
For starters most people say they would want the power of flight, super human strength, or mind control. But these are just so over done and used, why would u want to have the same power as everyone else, why not choose somthing different yet still fun. If you choose the power of flight, yes it would be fun, but thats all you could do is fly. you still have the same weaknesses and flaws just like everyone else. Then theres super human strength, yes it would be fun and great for rescuing people, but then you have to deal with muscle pain and who wants that, plus youll probly end up lookin like one of those muscle bound steroid freaks known for there bad tempers and small apendages.
Now if you have the power to control matter you dont have to worry about giving up any of these powers, except maybe mind control, but who really wants to know and control what goes on in peoples heads. Like thats just creepy and demented. But if you control matter you can obviously fly cause you would just push off of any element that is below you, and super human stregth would be no problem cause you could just lift anything u wanted no matter how big, for all objects in this universe are made up of matter, which hey just so happens to be what you control.
one of the coolest things about having this super power would be the ability to change anything including yourself. You could be as short as you wanted one second and a hundred feet tall the next. You could swim in the deepest ocean and fly in outer space cause you could form watever matter is ther into oxygen. You could pretty much do whatever you wanted, even to some degree the mind control without the creepy aspect of knowing what there thinking. To do this you would just have to some of the cells in different parts of the brain to act or change at certain times. O and yes u could control cells cause they to are matter.
With all this it is pretty evident ive given this a bit of thought. Even though i will probly never have this power i still think it would be pretty cool. But i think ide settle for any super power, unless it was like meg giffins power to grow her finger nails at will, cause really how many people actually have any kind of super power. But ya this is why if i were to choose a super power i would choose to be able to control matter.